Let Go…They’ll Grow

There once was a gardener who planted a flower. With much love and passion, the gardener tended to the flower at almost every waking moment, constantly watering, weeding, and standing … Read more

15 MPH and That’s Ok

A little over eighteen years ago, my wife and I drove home from Women’s Hospital in Houston, Texas with our first born. She was wrapped carefully in the carseat, just having been … Read more

Being Big

‘Being Big’ is a relative term. In physical stature my son Michael Bennett is about as small as they come at two years of age. In terms of the amount … Read more


I am willing to bet that my son Michael Bennett never imagined being toted off to Texas from China by five really white, eager people.  He’s then flown to NYC only … Read more


Remembering my travels with my father across the north of England and into the Western Highlands of Scotland. Some of my most enjoyable steps were placed upon those dark green … Read more

Peanut is Home!

This week, the end of an amazing journey came to pass and a new and exciting one began. After a year and a half of working to bring home our adopted … Read more

It’s Time We Start

The following post is taken from the Keynote Address to Kidventure employees at 2014 Orientation Time is this crazy abstract thing. It organizes our day and it defines our physical … Read more

More Than Just a Camp

Dear Family, In a month, school will be out and the time honored American tradition of summer will warmly be upon us.  This is a particularly special year for Kidventure as … Read more

Kidventure Camp in China 2014

After 20 years of running a summer camp business, the last place I probably ever thought of playing capture the flag or roasting marshmallows with campers would be in China. … Read more

Always Fight for Them

This past Tuesday evening I entered Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston to visit some new-found friends of mine who have been faced with a tough life challenge. I walked out … Read more

The Force is Strong in Mom

There is a Force.  A balance if you will,  that oversees the universe and keeps our planet from careening off into the fiery gasses of our molten sun.  This Force … Read more

The Camp Counselor vs. the Intern

The following article was published in The New York Times today, May 30th.  Like teachers, we so often undervalue those that have some of the greatest impact and impression on … Read more

Cowboy Blues

I Recently wrote lyrics to the following song for my band Audioroad.  Thought I would share. Cowboy Blues (Lyrics)                       … Read more


Just the other day, we officially closed down Kidventure for the summer. The last of the Safari Overnight Camp buses rolled into town from Hunt, Texas. There were lots of … Read more

From Burma to the ATX

Burma is a country in Southeast Asia. It’s rogue government identifies itself as Myanmar, but many countries such as ours have chosen not to identify as such due to a … Read more

Never Underestimate a Child

Sometimes in life.. Ok, more times than not, the lessons we try to teach our kids end up being taught to us by them far more simply and poetically.  The … Read more

Run Daddy, Run

About four months ago I set out to train for an ultra marathon.  Ultra marathons are considered races over the 26.2 mile mark.  Most common are 31 miles, 50, or … Read more

Just Play Catch

For many of us parents, we seem to be compelled to involve our kids in a myriad of extracurricular activities.  In fact, our kids’ itineraries often times rival our own … Read more

No Easy Road…So Steer

Let’s be frank, being a parent can be one of the most frustrating and mentally/physically debilitating exercises on earth.  With no guide-book or ‘parental GPS’, we are cast out into … Read more

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