Houston family New Years Resolution Ideas

It’s not too late to make those new year’s resolutions and set those goals to accomplish in 2024. When you make resolutions with your family, it can be easier to succeed if everyone holds each other accountable, so get the whole family involved. Also, setting these goals teaches your little ones the importance of long-term objectives and responsibility. We’ve put together this handy list of some of the top resolution goals; we hope this helps your family set great goals if you already haven’t.

Focus on Family

Try making new year resolutions that your whole family can get involved with this year, from the youngest to the oldest family member.

Do Chores: Make a chore chart for everyone in the family; a visual chart will give everyone a sense of responsibility and show that everyone is working as a team; of course, make the chores age-appropriate so that the youngest members can get involved.

Get More Sleep: Set a goal to get at least 8 hrs of sleep a day; a rested body and mind can help you be more productive and stay healthy.

Live Green: Try and reuse bottles, grocery bags, and donate unused items instead of throwing them in the trash.

Have More Dates: Don’t neglect mom and dad date nights! Get a sitter and prioritize having weekly or monthly date nights with your spouse.

Get Unplugged: Set those devices down and be present during family time.

Spread Kindness: Do something for somebody else at least once a day without being asked. Hold the door for someone, buy someone a coffee, give a compliment to a friend or co-worker; these selfless acts will bring joy to someone’s day.

Exercise: Get out and get active as a family, try a new activity or sport, take family hikes. Memorial Park is one of many Houston parks that offer great hiking trails.

Save Money: Set aside a set amount of money from every paycheck to save for a family vacation or other significant expense. The kids can set smaller goals and save their allowance.

Read More: Set time aside to read as a family or individually every night.

Family Meals:  Plan family meals, cook together and eat together.


Focus on Health

The health of your family and you is essential, which is more evident these days, so focusing on your health is a great new year’s resolution to do as a family. Small changes can improve your health more than you know it throughout your daily life, so check out these ideas to help you set some goals.

Control your meal portions: Try and watch your food portions; this is an easy way to get healthy, want fries, make them a small instead of a large, just simple adjustments can help your health and your family’s health.

Expect Good Things from Yourself – speak and think positivity; even in hard times, it is good to see the positive and not always focus on the negative,

Be Active (30 mins a day) – try and be active for at least 30 mins a day, this can be done in so many fun ways: take a daily walk, dance with your family, ride bikes, etc.

Cut Sodium consumption – cut out the salt; most foods already have plenty of salt in them; there is no need to add more.

Floss Daily: Make sure you are flossing twice a day, just like you should be brushing twice a day.

Wear Sunscreen: Take care of your skin; sunscreen is needed year-round, not just during the hotter months.

Strength Train: Build those muscles; your muscles are an essential part of your body; they need to be toned and strengthened daily for at least 10 minutes.

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