Parenting Houston Children in the Age of Technology

Parenting Houston Children in the Age of Technology​


In a world where young people are growing up in a digital age, it is vital to help them learn about the healthy principles of using digital gadgets. Parents play an essential role in educating these abilities.

Issues concerning managing children’s screen time and the effects of technology on children’s wellbeing are generally high on the worry list for modern-day parents. However, most recommendations on positive parenting seem to have been penned in a golden age when struggling to take iPads off of young children just wasn’t a problem. So how can modern-day moms and dads adjust to positive parenting strategies to help organize children’s tech time?

The problem with young children using technology is that tech-use tends to fill all available time. Technology use can displace other beneficial activities fundamental for children’s healthy progress like running around, face-to-face interaction, and physical activities.

And it’s not only children’s use of technology that’s a concern. Digitally distracted grownups are less available to give attention and connect with their children, affecting them from growing healthy brains and fundamental life skills. Parents and children are now investing more time in each other’s physical space but communicate less time with each other.

Parents need to use these technological advancements to be good guides to young children. To be convincing to a confused young person, you need to be clear in how these technologies work, how other people utilize them, and what effects their use of these new technological innovations can offer.

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much, for Children?

The most sensible resolution is to aim for a balanced childhood. Moms and dads need to make up their minds about where to draw the lines concerning children’s use of technology. How much of your child’s screen time is passive usage?

For example, watching TV. And how much is active and creative? Example digital sketching. How do your children behave during and after the screen time? Are they mad at being drawn away? How are they spending the rest of their time? Do they have hobbies and interests that are not tech-related? Do they invest face-to-face time with their friends or siblings? Do they get a sensible amount of daily physical exercise?

Be a Role Model when Using Technology

In the case of positive parenting, the first principle is to be a good role model. Setting restrictions around technology is best done through a whole family strategy. It would help if you found rules that work for you and your family scenarios. A household meeting is an excellent way to agree on ground rules with your small children

Always Set Restrictions and Stick to Them.

There are lots of great parenting techniques that can be used in dealing with children’s screen time. Once you have arranged some ground rules, you have to watch out for children sticking to the principles – catch them being good and employ illustrative praise to reinforce rule-keeping. You might like to use a reward chart for younger children. Or jot down the rules and formalize them into a behavior agreement for adolescents. Always make sure you agree in advance on the consequences of rule-breaking. You might want to ensure that your set restrictions are generally fair and can be supervised and enforced.

Tech time could also be used as a reward for finishing other non-techie exercises. Set a little weekly or day-to-day allowance of tech time that can be topped up through engagement in sporting or educational routines or performing household tasks or assignments.

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