Celebrating September National Days in Dallas

September is quickly approaching; make the most of it by celebrating some strange and unusual holidays daily. This handy list of September National Days will give you a quick look at the month to see how you can celebrate your favorite national day with outdoor activities, delicious food, connecting with others, and so much more. These unusual holidays are enjoyable to celebrate with family and friends.  

September 1: Pink Cadillac Day

This day is focused on pink Cadillacs. Americans celebrate this special day to honor the famous pink car that has become a cultural landmark of the 1950s.

September 2: National Blueberry Popsicle Day

September 2 is the best day to delight in a blueberry popsicle as National Blueberry Popsicle Day is observed on this date. The best way to enjoy this day is to make delightful blueberry-flavored popsicles to share with your family and friends.

September 3: National Skyscraper Day

National Skyscrapers Day is observed each year on September 3, on the birth anniversary of Louis H. Sullivan, known as the ‘father of modern skyscrapers. This day is observed to appreciate the engineering marvels that have been around for over 130 years.

September 4: National Wildlife Day

National Wildlife Day encourages better awareness of the species surrounding us and of the broader world. This National Day is centered worldwide on endangered species, preservation, and conservation campaigns. Colleen Paige, the Pet Lifestyle Expert, and author, created National Wildlife Day in 2005.

September 5: National Cheese Pizza Day

Pizza became a well-known meal in North America during the second half of the 20th century. Pizza has surfaced as one of the most favorite meals globally, where people enjoy it with a range of toppings, sauces, and an assortment of different cheeses.

September 6: National Coffee Ice Cream Day

September 6 is the holiday for coffee and ice cream lovers as it is National Coffee Ice Cream Day. Coffee ice cream has existed since the mid-19th century, and the first documented recipe dates back to 1919.

September 7: National Beer Lovers Day

Beer is one of the world’s most well-known alcoholic beverages. This tasty beverage made from grains has existed for hundreds of years, dating as far back as the Romans and Egyptians. National Beer Lovers Day is a chance for beer fanatics to commemorate their favorite boozy drink.

September 8: World Physical Therapy Day

World Physical Therapy Day is remembered annually on September 8. It is observed to bring awareness about the important role of physical therapists and chronic pain treatments in keeping individuals fit and healthy. Physical therapists attempt to cure an injury or deformity, inform patients about healthy habits, and recover lost or impaired functionality. Chronic pain is connected to various medical conditions, such as cervical and thoracic pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, headache, cancer, muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis.

September 9: National Teddy Bear Day

September 9 is Teddy Bear Day, a holiday to bring out all your loved teddy bears and thank them for their company, the enjoyable times you have had, and the times they comforted you.

September 10: National Swap Ideas Day

September 10 is Swap Ideas Day. A day to share ideas, barter goods, trade opinions, and discuss views with family members, friends, fellow workers, and even strangers.

September 11: Women’s Baseball Day

Women’s Baseball Day is observed every year on September 11. Women’s Baseball Day remembers that day in 1875 when the first women’s baseball game where fans were charged and players were paid.

September 12: National Day of Encouragement

The National Day of Encouragement, observed since 2007, is a holiday intended to remind people that encouragement is essential. It all began when a group of high school students participating in a leadership forum was asked to develop a solution to a significant problem experienced by young individuals in their day.

September 13: Uncle Sam Day

September 13 is focused on remembering Samuel Wilson (Uncle Sam) on his birthday. This well-known American symbol shows up on everything from military posters to ads and a lot more.

September 14: National Sober Day

National Sober Day takes place every year on September 14, and the day forms a part of National Sober Month. This holiday was created in 2019 by ‘Real Aligned Women’ who indicate themselves as a ‘sisterhood for sobriety.

September 15: International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy is an annual holiday that has been going on for ten years. It is a United Nations day of observation; the purpose of the holiday is to examine the state of democracy in the world and support and promote democracy and its concepts. The day was founded on the 20th anniversary of the First International Conference of the New or Restored Democracies, which endorsed worldwide democracy.

September 16: National Working Parents Day

National Working Parents Day is a day to commemorate those incredible parents who continually work all year to provide for their households. Being a parent is challenging and often entails balancing a full-time job, your relationship with your partner, and child care. Several parents work hard to guarantee their kids have food, clothing, shelter, and other stuff to make their childhood wonderful.

September 17: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

On September 17, 1787, the Founding Fathers signed the most critical document in American history: the United States Constitution. The Constitution was signed by thirty-nine courageous men who changed the course of history. Every American shares in this history of liberty and has the duty as a citizen to respect and defend our founding fathers’ principles and get involved in the history of freedom.

September 18: National Respect Day

National Respect Day is observed each year worldwide on September 18. This day is celebrated to let individuals learn about the significance of respecting others. This day is not a festivity or a day of dancing; this is ultimately a day focused on how we commemorate it ourselves.

September 19: International Talk Like A Pirate Day

This day is a yearly holiday celebrated on September 19. This day was celebrated for the first time in 1995; the fun holiday encouraged individuals to talk and dress up like Pirate.

September 20: National Pepperoni Pizza Day

A pepperoni pizza is a perfect pie that’s simple, salty, cheesy, and crispy. It seems logical that somewhere along the way, it was identified that the simple yet tasty pepperoni pizza acquires its memorable holiday.

September 21: World Gratitude Day

This day is celebrated on September 21 every year. This day seeks to remind us of the value of conveying gestures of gratefulness. But sometimes, we can get trapped in our busy lifestyles and forget about showing how thankful we are for the people around us.

September 22: Car-Free Day

Car-Free Day is a free international event observed every September 22. During this day, people are urged to get around without driving alone in cars and preferably ride a bus, bicycle, train, carpool, subway, or walk. Car Free Day is available to all individuals in the Washington metropolitan area.

September 23: National Snack Stick Day

This holiday is a great time to delight in snack sticks in their varieties. There are a lot of various brands on the market, so a person has to pick the one they like the most.

September 24: National Punctuation Day

National Punctuation Day is to commemorate all punctuations on September 24. A period, a comma, a semicolon, a question mark, and an exclamation point are the punctuations used in writing, and they separate sentences and their components to reveal meaning.

September 25: National Lobster Day

In 2015, US Senators Susan Collins and Angus King said the senate unanimously handed down a resolution specifying September 25 as a national holiday.

September 26: National Family Day

As the name signifies, National Family Day is a day for us all to honor our families. Usually, we do not value our families as much as we need to, and this is because we spend most of our time with them, and we are so accustomed to this that we do not take a step back and think about everything that they do for us.

September 27: World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day has been observed on September 27 every year since 1980. The day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Statutes of the Organization in 1970, introducing the way to form UNWTO five years later.

September 28: World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day, a project established by the Global Alliance of Rabies Control (GARC) in the year 2007. This is a day to inform and promote awareness about rabies prevention, offers a great chance to recognize the intensity of rabies endemics in other areas of the world and also to remember that ongoing prevention is essential to keep a low chance of the disease in your home.

September 29: World Heart Day

World Heart Dayis celebrated every year on September 29 to raise awareness of heart diseases and how to manage them to negate their worldwide effect. The World Heart Federation founded the international holiday in cooperation with the World Health Organization.

September 30: National Love People Day

National Love People Day was established by a church in Chicago, Illinois, in the year 2017. The goal of National Love People Day is to demonstrate love to everyone. What would it look like to give kindness and care to the people in your family and your local community? It could be paying it forward, volunteering in your community, visiting older people, or simply loving your family.

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