It’s midday on a Thursday in Mainland China. This morning, I took a break from presentations and Chinese style buffets to visit nearby Macau. Macau is an incredibly fascinating city on the coast that was settled by the Portuguese and released back to China in 1999. On its cobblestone streets, colonial Portugal architecture dominates the city squares, tight alleyways and roundabouts. Colorful catholic churches lay tucked into nooks and roads with names like Avenida de San Franciso show the way. It would be easy to forget you are in Asia in the old town of Macau if it weren’t for the smell of fried rice and the constant hum of Cantonese in the air.
Last evening, we were guests at a large school in Xhuhai. There, we were warmly greeted by school officials and Mr. Chen, the principal. He had earlier requested that we speak to parents about ‘parenting’. In a large school auditorium we were introduced to about 100 parents and teachers. With translators at our sides, we spoke with and to parents about the challenges of parenting and about techniques we utilize in our own homes and at Kidventure. We shared stories, presented ideas and met many wonderful parents. After several rounds of pictures and a presentation of flowers, we were driven back to our hotel at the end of a long and educational day. As is the case here in China, our hosts were extremely gracious and very kind.
Tonight we will journey to Jinman University, the site of Kidventure’s upcoming camp in China. We will present to another audience. This time we will focus on camp and the opportunities we will bring there. And while each day here brings totally new and unique adventures for me, I am also reminded just how similar all parents and families are, no matter where they live. Each struggle to do better for their children and each faces similar challenges and joys.