Houston Hurricane Season, Are You Prepared?

Hurricanes are powerful and unpredictable, and living in Houston, we’re no strangers to their potential impact on our homes and lives. Being prepared can make all the difference in ensuring the safety of our families and minimizing damage to our property. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you and your family get hurricane-ready.

1. Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with local weather reports and alerts. Download a reliable weather app, follow trusted news sources, and sign up for community alerts to receive real-time information about potential hurricanes and evacuation orders. nhc.noaa.gov

 2. Create an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan helps ensure all family members know what to do before, during, and after a hurricane. This reduces panic and confusion, providing clear instructions on how to stay safe. Key components of a safety-focused emergency plan include:

  • Evacuation Routes: Knowing the safest routes to take if an evacuation order is issued. experience.arcgis.com
  • Safe Shelter Locations: Identify safe places to shelter from high winds and flying debris within your home.
  • Communication Plan: Establishing a method for staying in touch with family members and emergency services.

3. Prepare an Emergency Kit

Assemble an emergency kit with essential supplies to last at least 72 hours. Include items such as:

  • Non-perishable food and water
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • First-aid kit and medications
  • Important documents (ID, insurance papers) in a waterproof container
  • Hygiene items (soap, sanitizer, feminine products)
  • Blankets, clothing, and sturdy shoes
  • Tools (multi-tool, duct tape, whistle)

4. Secure Your Home

  • Windows and Doors: Install storm shutters or use plywood to cover windows and glass doors. Reinforce garage doors to prevent them from being blown inward
  • Yard and Patio: Bring in outdoor furniture, toys, and decorations to prevent them from becoming projectiles.
  • Roof and Gutters: Inspect and repair loose shingles. Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage.

5. Backup Power Source

Hurricane season in Houston is a time of heightened awareness and preparation. The powerful storms that can sweep through our region often bring heavy rains, high winds, and the potential for widespread power outages. One crucial element of hurricane preparedness is having a reliable generator. Consider investing in a generator to keep essential appliances running, store enough fuel safely, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

6. Vehicle Readiness

During hurricane season, keeping your gas tank at least half full is a good practice. This ensures you have enough fuel for a sudden evacuation and avoids long lines at gas stations when a storm is approaching. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your car is reliable in an emergency. It’s also important to understand your vehicle’s limitations and capabilities. Larger vehicles might handle deeper water better, but no car is immune to the dangers of flooding. Never attempt to drive through floodwaters. Ensure you have an emergency kit in the car, including blankets, bottled water, and non-perishable snacks.

7. Pet Safety

Don’t forget about your furry friends! Just like you prepare an emergency kit for your family, having one for your pets is crucial. Make sure you have enough pet food, water, and any medications they might need. As the storm approaches, bring your pets indoors to keep them safe from flying debris and rising waters. Designate a safe room where your pets can stay during the hurricane. This should be an interior room without windows, ideally with easy-to-clean floors. Also, have a secure carrier and an evacuation plan for your pets, and ensure your pets have up-to-date identification tags on their collars.

8. Communication Plan

Establish a communication plan with family and friends. Identify a relative or friend outside the hurricane zone as a point of contact to relay information. Ensure all family members have a list of emergency contacts. his form is a great start. ready.gov/plan-form

9. Insurance Check-Up

Living in Houston, we know that hurricane season brings the potential for severe weather, including high winds, heavy rains, and flooding. These conditions can cause significant damage to homes, making it crucial to ensure that your home insurance is up-to-date and provides adequate coverage. A home insurance check-up is an essential part of hurricane preparedness. Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure it covers hurricane-related damage. Consider flood insurance, as standard policies typically don’t cover flood damage. fema.gov/flood-insurance

10. Stay Calm and Informed During the Storm

  • Stay indoors, away from windows and doors.
  • Use a battery-powered radio to listen to updates.
  • Follow instructions from local authorities regarding evacuation or sheltering in place.

11. After the Hurricane

  • Wait for official word that it’s safe to leave your shelter.
  • Avoid flooded areas and downed power lines.
  • Inspect your home for damage and document it for insurance claims.
  • Check-in with family and friends to let them know you’re safe.

Being prepared for a hurricane requires time and effort, but the peace of mind it brings is invaluable. By taking these steps, you can help protect your family and home from the devastating effects of a hurricane. Remember, preparation is key, so start early and stay informed. Stay safe, Houston!

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